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From Squadron 112 Commander Clayton Bush

Hello to all,


Once again I would like to

thank all of the volunteers

that have made the time to

come down and help out.

As we move forward into

the rest of the year we

need many more volunteers

to help us move in a positive



We have our Veterans Day event on Saturday November 9th and we will be putting on a great pasta dinner, with garlic bread and salad for just a $10 donation. See the flyer in this issue of The Dispatch. Presale tickets are available – ask a SAL member. Once again, the Auxiliary will be creating their special desserts. We will have a live band and a raffle & 50/50 drawings, as well as guest speakers. So come on down and have a great time! If you can help us out for this event please contact any of our squadron’s officers.





As we look at our membership roster, we are asking all current members to renew their membership as soon as possible so we can get to our goal of 100% renewed membership before December 31st. This will get us special recognition with our district and state detachment.


We will be discussing new events and other important matters at our next meeting, so please try and join us November 3rd at 11:00AM.


In service to our Veterans,

Clayton Bush

Commander, Ontario Squadron 112



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